Hulu’s Into the Dark Episode 10 ‘The Current Occupant’ – HF Review

Director: Julius Ramsay
Writer: Alston Ramsay
Stars: Barry Watson, Sonita Henry, Marvin “Krondon” Jones III, Lilli Birdsell, Kate Cobb, Ezra Buzzington, Joshua Burge

Is it more likely the president of the United States wakes up in a mental institution, or more likely a mental patient wakes up in a mental institution thinking he’s the president of the United States? – Dr. Larson

Hulu and Blumhouse’s Into the Dark returns today with another episode, The Current Occupant. The episode is for Independence Day, I’m not really sure why it’s almost two weeks afterwards. 🤔COVID or maybe the country is just that chaotic and crazy, the producers said what the hell?

Nonetheless the episode stars Barry Watson, Sonita Henry, Marvin “Krondon” Jones III, Lilli Birdsell, Kate Cobb, Ezra Buzzington and Joshua Burge. It’s directed by Julius Ramsay and written by Alston Ramsay.

Trapped in a mysterious psychiatric ward, a man with no memory comes to believe that he’s the President of the United States and the subject of a diabolical political conspiracy. As the asylum’s soul-crushing forces bear down on him, he fights to preserve his sanity and escape so that he can return to power.

Spoiler Alert: Turn back now if you do not want spoilers – save yourself.

The episode opens with a compilation of scenes from the assassination of RFK and this unknown man. We are then introduced to Henry (Watson) who appears to be a hospital patient receiving care for an injury that has left him with some paralysis and memory loss. He also appears confused, which I initially share with him. As the episode continues you find the supposedly well-meaning staff is hiding something and they have extremely sinister intentions for Henry.

Henry’s only salvation seems to be a late shift nurse who tells him that he is correct in his feelings, in fact she tells him he’s the president of the United States. This narrative is bolstered by another patient who claims to be his Secretary of State thrown into the hospital for mental issues because she knows about the secret plan to overthrow Henry’s presidency. So, no planting of evidence for a crime, just straight up assassination attempts- now? These days the far-fetched is actually sadly a possibility at this point. Hence, the reason you as the viewer will find yourself believing Henry’s narrative versus the explanation the staff gives.

The way director J. Ramsay frames the scenes adds to the confusion and madness of the episode. Ramsey gives us flashbacks and scenarios that did or didn’t happen – successfully enough to blur the line between Henry’s mind and what we are watching. The sets and the filter used on the film are also perfectly off-putting. It’s dark and gloomy as Henry becomes more and more aware of this “plot” to destroy him. Writer A. Ramsay also gives a few hat tips to films of the past one biggie is One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, with a Chief Bromden smothering scene and all. The Current Occupant is an interesting episode, more psychological thriller than horror – more Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents than horror. A body count of one, I think. However, the episode is entertaining and not bad at all.

In partnership with Blumhouse Television, Into The Dark is a monthly horror event series from prolific, award-winning producer, Jason Blum’s independent TV studio. Each feature-length installment is inspired by a holiday and features Blumhouse’s signature genre/thriller spin on the story.

The Current Occupant episode airs Friday, July 16, 2020, on Hulu.