‘J.D.’s Revenge’ – 28 Days of Black Horror Movies

A docile black law student is possessed by a 1940’s mobster in mid 1970s New Orleans, Louisiana. The mobster seeks revenge upon the people who killed him and his sister.

J. D.’s Revenge is another blaxploitation horror film released in 1976. It starred Glynn Turman and Lou Gossett.  J. D.’s Revenge was written and directed by Arthur Marks.

I watched this for the first time a few years ago, and sadly it’s so dated its almost just comedy. Both Glynn Turman and Lou Gossett are such great actors it’s a bit crazy they were even in this, but again I have to think of the era. J. D.’s Revenge’s actual storyline is a true horror story with some strong horror elements. There is possession, murder and revenge.  I’m going to attempt to divorce myself from the time period from which this came and give it a nonjudgmental watch.