South African Horror Hit ‘TOKOLOSHE : THE CALLING’ South African Horror Hit Premieres Today in US

A successful writer and media personality, takes his wife and their adopted Zulu daughter to an abandoned hotel in The Transkei, located in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, to finish his much-anticipated follow up novel. Once there, strange things begin to occur inside the hotel. The family soon learns that the hotel has a dark past in which many murders were carried out since it opened in 1808, including rumors that the land is cursed due to being stolen from its native people.

Meanwhile, in a city nearby, a high school teacher is experiencing strange visions and dreams, as “something” seems to be calling her back to the same hotel for some unfinished business.

Through a sequence of events, the teacher and the family find themselves confronting a mythical creature that haunts people as they sleep and even possesses some – a creature known as the Tokoloshe.

Written and directed by Richard Green, and stars Sir Roel Twijnstra, Sibongiseni Shezi and Angela Balkovic.

TOKOLOSHE : THE CALLING will release on all major digital platforms today September 3.