Freak Out With Your Geek Out – Full Moon Features Launches Tentacula’s “The Fortune Teller”

Full Moon Features (FMF) announced  the launch of Tentacula, an innovative subsidiary that designs and creates high-end, unique gift and lifestyle items centered around mysticism, magic and arcane entertainment. Celebrating the launch of the company, Tentacula revealed its flagship product, The Fortune Teller, a metallic, beautifully designed and eerily sentient high-end entertainment device that taps into the mysteries of the unknown, the ether, the spirit plane.

With its upscale, sleek design, polished steel encasing and its gorgeous, lush velvet carrying case, The Fortune Teller retails for $90.00. Providing a direct link between the unseen world into the palm of your hand, The Fortune Teller is  an all-knowing, all-seeing slice of psychic and supernatural phenomena that provides a handsome distraction from life’s mundane day-to-day grind.

From the mind of trailblazing independent science fiction, horror and fantasy film producer Charles Band, the founder of venerable strange cinema brand Full Moon Features, The Fortune Teller is available now at or on Amazon HERE.