Freak Out With Your Geek Out – “It Comes Back”, A New Horror Novel

Allison Cutter is just a typical housewife living in California with her husband Ray. One night she wakes up to find herself alone in her bed with Ray nowhere in sight. She looks for him, but instead of finding her husband, she finds a different man in her kitchen. A completely nude man with slashed wrists raiding her refrigerator. Before Allison can call for help, she is stabbed seven times in the back. What follows is a story of a man framed for his wife’s murder and a sinister truth everyone will soon discover.

John Penney, known for writing horror film favorites Return of the Living Dead 3 and The Kindred, is set to release his third novel with It Comes Back. An evil presence preys on the trauma, guilt and people’s unsuccessful attempts to run away from their past mistakes.

It Comes Back will be available everywhere books are sold on May 19, 2023. You can pre-order now. You can also buy direct physical copies from Encyclopocalypse right now at and receive early shipping.

Psst…a book report will follow – watch this space.