New Trailer Tuesday – New horror-mystery-thriller, ‘Country Of Hotels’, your room is ready!

Country of Hotels tells the stories of the desperate souls who pass through the doors of 508, a room on the fifth floor of an anonymous, decaying hotel. We are taken on a surreal and blackly comic journey down its lonely corridors and behind its outdated furnishings and stained surfaces. The story plunges us into the ever-turning carousel of haunted lives who check in and out of this sinister establishment.

Siobhán Hewlett, Matthew Leitch, Adam Leese, Michael Laurence, and Charles Pike star in, it is written by David Hauptschein and directed by Julio Maria Martino.

I admit once again to loving haunted shit, but I’m not so sure about this one, it looks a bit convoluted. It could be just a hacky trailer though. I did peep the few promising references to The Shining, did you guys catch the wallpaper? We’ll see I guess.

Country of Hotels available on digital platforms May 26 from Terror Films.