New Trailer Tuesday – ‘AGED’, horror-thriller

Highly anticipated horror-thriller AGED, written and directed by Anubys Lopez (THOSE WHO CALL) is on its way to at home streamer of your choice this week. Check out the details right now.

After taking a temporary job as a caregiver, a young woman realizes her employer and the house have a dangerous, dark past.

The film stars: Morgan Boss-Maltais, Carla Kidd, Dave McClain, Bria D’Aguanno, Adonis Ringo, Kelly Kidd, Lisa Alavi and Kristin Henderson.

This is giving Burnt Offering teas, is she going to take the place of the elderly lady she is in care of, ala Miss Allardyce?

AGED is on VOD (Amazon Prime, Tubi) June 15th.