Slasher Film ‘BAD GIRL BOOGEY’ Arrives This Summer

Dark Star Pictures will release Alice Maio Mackay’s acclaimed slasher film Bad Girl Boogey this summer.

BAD GIRL BOOGEY follows Angel whose mother was brutally murdered one Halloween night, when blood was shed by a deranged killer wearing a parasitic mask cursed with black magic and bigotry. Sixteen years later, when Angel’s best friend is slaughtered by a killer with the same mask, they must overcome their personal struggles, fight their fear, and find the masked killer before he, or it, slaughters everyone they hold dear.

The cast includes Lisa Fanto (‘Love, Guns & Level Ups’), Iris Mcerlean, Chris Asimos, Toshiro Glenn, Lewi Dawson, Kate Bonney with a featured voiceover cameo from horror icon Bill Mosley (‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2’, ‘The Devil’s Rejects’). Directed, Produced, and Co-Written with Ben Pahl Robinson – by then seventeen year old transexual filmmaker Alice Maio Mackay.

Bad Girl Boogey will release on digital platforms July 4 and DVD release on July 11. Select theaters will also screen the film from July 7th.

Happy 4th, y’all, don’t put that mask on. And hat tips, to Alice for writing this at 17!