‘Cannibal Mukbang’, a little blood, a little sex and a lot of food

Ok, hear me out, this doesn’t look half bad. The upcoming horror comedy, Cannibal Mukbang, manages to combine the viral trend with the sentiment of “Dexter” and “iZombie.”

Shy and looking for love, Mark quickly becomes smitten with the outgoing and mysterious Ash, who somehow, much to his surprise, reciprocates the attraction. But as his feelings for her intensify, so does his unexpected submersion into Ash’s biggest love: the wild world of mukbanging. And with it, lots of bloodshed.

The film stars: Nate Wise, April Consalo, and Clay Von Carlowitz. It’s written and directed by Aimee Kuge.

It’s been the mood I’ve been in – I’m all for mindless distracting fun and honestly, this might fit that mood. And, it could be terrible, who knows.

Cannibal Mukbang is out on digital and On Demand on March 25th and on Blu-Ray on April 22nd.

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