AHS:1984 HorrorFatale.com Recap – Jason and Michael Would Be Proud!

Season nine of American Horror Story started off with a summer camp slaughter and an appearance by Richard Ramírez. Ok, you’ve got my complete and total attention! If’s last nights episode of American Horror Story: 1984 is an indicator this season is going to be a fun, cheesy, bloody ride and I’m here for it!

The episode was styled with crazy 80s fashions, hairstyles and music. But, most importantly it was a bloodbath from the beginning that would make Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers proud. We were introduced to the principal cast through a corny Jane Fonda-esque workout class complete with leg warmers and headbands.

This season’s cast includes: Emma Roberts as Brooke Thompson, Billie Lourd as Montana Duke, Cody Fern as Xavier Plympton and DeRon Horton as Ray Powell. They of course range the mélange of characters, the good girl, the bad girl, the jock and yes even the black guy. There are no fan favorites this season so far for me.

Initially the episode takes place in 1984 Los Angeles during the Olympic Games, also during the summer of The Night Stalker.

History Lessons the ’84 Games took place in Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, (it’s still there in case you are wondering) it was the city’s second time hosting the games. But, also Richard Ramirez, aka The Night Stalker was running around the city raping and murdering the women of SoCal. Ramirez’s reign of terror included the rape and murder of 9-year-old Mei Leung in a hotel basement, 79-year-old Jennie Vincow who was found brutally murdered in her apartment in Glassell Park, Los Angeles and Sophie Dickman, 63. Ramirez assaulted and handcuffed Dickman at gunpoint, attempted to rape her, and stole her jewelry; when she swore to him that he had taken everything of value, he told her to “swear on Satan”. You get the idea Ramirez was a sadistic fuck! After Brooke is attacked by Ramirez, the group flees LA to be camp counselors. Uh, huh.

Enter the camp story about Mr. Jingles, I know 😒 what king of killer is named that mess? But, the name is because he jingles keys or something or other. I have to call the writers out for the sheer lazy of that name. No hat tips for you. Jingles apparently came back from Vietnam fucked up and with a developed taste for killing. So giving him a job at a summer camp was an excellent idea. And, reopening the camp where he rampaged also is an excellent idea. Nonetheless, let the fuckery begin.

As not to spoil you any further on the episode in case you haven’t watched it yet. I will simply say this is a great way to start and I can’t wait to see where it goes. Overall, good first episode. The pacing is great, there is blood and plenty callbacks to proper 80s slasher horror. Fun.

Coming up this season: